Nice to meet you- I'm Abby.

Nice to meet you- I'm Abby.

From journalism, to photography, to wannabe Youtuber circa 2012- I’ve picked up and put down many pursuits throughout my life. But one thing has never changed: I love any excuse to celebrate, and find joy in going above and beyond to create memorable experiences. (And I’ve always had good handwriting.)

Flashback to 2020: I was really struggling to find myself post-grad. As a full-time bedside nurse, the serious nature of my job gradually started to overshadow my artistic side. I lost touch with many of the hobbies I once cherished. But in 2023, I started to plan my own wedding with a simple goal to create all of our signage from scratch- and as of today, my creative side has never been stronger.

I’m 27 years old and currently based in Austin, TX. I was born and raised in the Midwest and I’m a University of Iowa graduate. I love trying new restaurants, baking sourdough, renting my clothes on Nuuly, spending mornings at cute coffee shops, curating perfect Spotify playlists, and talking about Taylor Swift.

I definitely have a lot to learn, but I also have a tendency to surprise myself- so I’m forever grateful to those who trust me to create art for them! If you want to be next, you know where to reach me.

I’ve never been a stranger to creative hobbies-

